2023 Recap
Our favorite family trip this year was to Lake Lure, and we also enjoyed visiting with family members in Arizona and Connecticut. One of the year's highlights was checking out the Sphere in Las Vegas.

Our kids are in 9th and 10th grade this year. Tanner has started boxing, and Peter Levi continues to enjoy Karate. Both of them are working with Sea Clean mainly with our restaurant and retail accounts and we're proud of their hard work.
Gail stepped down from her Friends of the Library Board position to spend more time on her non-profit consulting and graphic design businesses. She continues to love interacting with our Sea Clean customers and supporting important causes around the world.

Hunter continues to be an integral part of our team, and this year we were excited to welcome Chris.
2022 Recap
The Sawchuk family was fortunate to have opportunities this year to travel to Aruba with family and friends, Puerto Rico (just Pete and Gail to celebrate our anniversary), and Arizona to visit Pete's dad.
Peter Levi

Our oldest finished Middle School last year where he played soccer and percussion in the band. This fall he started 9th grade at Brunswick Early College and is enjoying the academic focus and challenge. He's up to his yellow belt in Isshinryu karate. You may also see him cleaning windows with his Dad!

Tanner is currently an 8th grader at South Brunswick Middle. He started the flute this year and takes tennis lessons. He loves to cook and take foodie photos of his creations.

Hunter has been working with Sea Clean Windows for over two years and we were excited to bring him on full time this year. While he's not related, his crew is like family to us!
Sawchuk Family 2021 Recap
This past year, we were grateful for the opportunity to get back to one of our most favorite activities- traveling! Here are some of our highlights:

Gail and the boys went camping in Cherokee, NC and packed the weekend with hikes to waterfalls, tubing, and of course s'mores!

A LONG drive to Maine for fishing, boating, visits with friends, a stop at Pete's old summer camp, and lobster!

It was also a return to school, activities, and sports for the boys. Both participated in the 1st Tee program and enjoy a competitive round of mini golf. They were also both inducted into the National Jr. Honor Society and Peter Levi continues to soccer keeper with Brunswick County and for South Brunswick Middle School.

And we've enjoyed finding some more local places to adventure to like Brookgreen Gardens, Brunswick Nature Preserve. Our pup, Kai is always excited when she is invited along!